Psuedo Data
Thinking about the creation and distortion of data these books investigate the city as both a constructed and living environment. Looking for heirachies both man-made and natural, the intersection between them, and how they where sometimes forced became a fascination. 

Constant Energy

Omni-present and all consuming, our energy grid is comically disconnected from the lived realities of so many. The resulting battle for airspace generates waves of interference that displace the possability of a constant. These images deal with that battle and how i’ve noticed it’s effects in looking back and fourth between Chicago and Vermont. 

New World

This collection of images made in a handful of towns throughout Central Vermont, focuses on the urbanization of rural life, the gentrification of historic cultural roots, and the general over industrialization of our society. While progress is seen as necessarily positive, in this eternal search for better we forget to be content with the now. This idea of a present nostalgia, appreciation of what is and what won’t be, was the focus of this project.

     beck - Andersen 
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