This piece was conceived out of an exploration of digital processes mixing, converting, and reimaging, life and experiential data. Beginning with a recording i made of my father playing drums at home in Vermont, converting physical soundwaves to digital, I then used Touchdesigner to create a network. This node based program took the sound file, selectively split the frequencies to isolate kick, toms, snare, and cymbals, and used those to progressively generate particles forming a three-dimensional visual representation of the sound input. This is where i really started thinking about these processes as digital alchemy, questioning the reality of recording processes through the material shift of data from one form to another.

From here i wanted to bring the file back into the material world from the digital but because the data existed solely on the GPU i wasn't able to easily access it so at a loss for how to get a printable 3d file i went through photogrammetry. Taking hundreds of virtual photos of the final object from all around it these images where then used to recompile a final editable model. This model was then printed and fixed with a WDMX RGB bulb that could connect back to my laptop and glow in unison to the original sound.

     beck - Andersen 
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